Written by Nathan Lands


In today's fast-paced world, managing tasks effectively is more important than ever. With the rapid advancements in AI and natural language processing, it's now possible to build a task management system powered by AI to help you stay organized and focused. In this blog post, we'll explore an AI-powered task management system using OpenAI and Pinecone APIs. This system creates tasks based on previous tasks and a predefined objective, streamlines your workflow, and allows you to stay on top of your priorities.

How the AI-Powered Task Management System Works

This Python script runs an infinite loop that follows these steps:

  1. Pulls the first task from the task list.
  2. Sends the task to the execution agent, which uses OpenAI's API to complete the task based on context.
  3. Enriches the result and stores it in Pinecone.
  4. Creates new tasks and reprioritizes the task list based on the objective and the result of the previous task.

The script uses the OpenAI API to execute tasks, create new tasks, and reprioritize the task list. It also uses Pinecone, a storage and retrieval system, to manage task results and provide context for future tasks.

Getting Started

To use the script, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the cloned folder.
  2. Install the required packages.
  3. Set up environment variables, including your OpenAI and Pinecone API keys, Pinecone environment, and table name for storing task results.
  4. Optionally, set the objective and initial task.
  5. Run the script.

Docker Container Support

For users who prefer running the system inside a Docker container, ensure that Docker and Docker-compose are installed. After setting up your .env file, run the command docker-compose up to start the system.

Supported Models

The script is compatible with all OpenAI models and Llama through Llama.cpp. The default model is gpt-3.5-turbo, but you can specify a different model using the environment variable or the command line. For using Llama, download the latest version of Llama.cpp and follow the instructions to set it up.


By leveraging the power of AI and natural language processing, this task management system can streamline your workflow, helping you stay organized and focused on your objectives. With easy setup and support for various AI models, this script can be an invaluable tool for boosting productivity and optimizing your time management.

View The GitHub Repo.

BlogAutoGPT#Import 2023-07-15 07:05